Weekend Open Thread

Weekend Open Thread

For the first time in a looong time I actually had Saturday and Sunday off. Since it’s memorial day weekend the street fair has been going on so I’ve actually managed to catch it this year. I’ve enjoyed some nice fish tacos and yesterday I bought a nice warm hooded poncho.

I’ve still been playing an absurd amount of Skyrim. At home, at lunch etc. Most of my co-workers play it too, but for console apparently. I’ve been having fun describing my adventures with mods which has caused them to drool a considerable amount. Bragging that you killed a dragon by flying after it and breathing fire is a good way to make jaws drop. The modding has completely sucked me in, and I’ve been having trouble getting out of it. I think tomorrow I should take a break from it and play something else… if the temptation doesn’t overwhelm me. 😛