Weekend Open Thread

Weekend Open Thread

Well, I was going to share a picture of the Swedish Meatballs and noodles I made tonight, but I got a little too hungry and forgot to take a picture… oh well. I still have some leftovers, though I didn’t feel like making a 2nd plate just to take a picture of some high quality food porn. But I had those with some corn and it made for a nice meal, and it definitely kept the house warm. 😀 I recently found out that I have Swedish heritage in my bloodline in two different branches of my family, among other interesting discoveries. It’s really interesting to see how many people it took to get you where you are now.

I was reminded recently to work on some real life video footage I took just after Christmas at the local lights festival; a friend of ours in Australia wants to see it. I’ll probably have a video up in a day or two. In fact I think I’ll dedicate most of tomorrow to projects I need to finish, maybe a little playtime before I start. I haven’t really played much of anything this week, unless we’re counting lunch breaks… :trollface: