Welcome To My Nightmare

Welcome To My Nightmare

I invited a couple of real life friends into my imagination today, and so far they seemed to survive it ok. I figured if I’m helping beta test a book that I could get some feedback on my nightmare fuel, and it earned a few laughs! I should be wrapping up the 2nd video in a week or so, then I can begin on the 3rd and final installment (at least until I pick up playing it again in the future, that’ll require a barrel of guinness and a gallon drum of hash oil, fo-sho).

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Melon Seed
May 19, 2022 4:12 am

Definitely need the hard stuff to endure that game, which honestly isn’t something you want in something you’re supposed to enjoy 😂 Only thing appropriate in calling it an “Amnesia” game is the fact that it’s so forgettable.