The last couple of days at work have been a bit stressful. I decided to lighten the mood tonight by stabbing a bunch of demons and Yakuza to get my aggression out, and it worked… for the most part. The night began with me chasing a possessed body, locating VHS tapes that the Yakuza stole from a demon, tea for demonic royalty, and chi crystals. All the while locating quite a few new weapons, and even scoring an achievement! What a great way to start the weekend!
It’s a good thing I still need to grind away at this game; I had a look at the reviews for Shadow Warrior 3 on Steam, and compared to Flying Wild Hog’s previous games, it doesn’t seem to be doing all that well. The largest complaint I read was the amount of playtime. It’s only about 4 hours long, 7 if you want to stretch it out. I also noticed that they decided to switch game engines as well, all of their previous games, going all the way back to Hard Reset ran on their in house engine (Flying Wild Hog Engine). This time around they decided to shelve their game engine in place of Unreal Engine 4. This isn’t really a big deal, as Shadow Warrior games aren’t really known for being all that moddable. However, I always liked their engine. Even going back to their oldest FPS Hard Reset still looks amazing, and it’s over a decade old! Both of the Shadow Warrior reboots still look stunning, even at 4K. So why did they switch? I’m starting to see more companies move towards Unreal.
Needless to say it’ll probably be a few sales before I decide to break down and get Shadow Warrior 3. There are plenty of other games that I still need to conquer anyways. 😛