Ruining It For Everyone Else Since 2004
About That Poll You Probably Forgot About

About That Poll You Probably Forgot About

Judging youuuuuu……

As much as I don’t want to do this, I’ll be withdrawing my polling idea for the end of the year. While scouting out how much content I have in particular recording folders, I stumbled across a couple somethings that I’d like to pull from the backburner to the forefront. The only downside is that I won’t be able to release these until near the end of 2021, and since these videos will be holiday themed I won’t really be talking about them. I will still release the Crash Bandicoot Livestream though once that’s completed, but afterwards I’ll be going radio silent on YouTube content for awhile unless it’s a tutorial or if my kitties do something adorable, or some other hairbrained idea… I do have that new DSLR after all.