Open Thread
Tonight I stayed an hour longer than what I was supposed to. They give you a bunch of things to do and not enough time …
Tonight I stayed an hour longer than what I was supposed to. They give you a bunch of things to do and not enough time …
Yesterday was a very busy day. Woke up early for an auction for a logitech G510 keyboard, won it, got dressed and walked to the …
So I managed to get a good nights rest after having stayed up for 24 hours… Worked in bakery again today, did alright. Even wrote …
Survived a full day of work today. Surprisingly it was pleasant. Came home and helped the neighbors next door move out. It’s a shame to …
Did some more work in premiere and after effects. Also played a bit of L4D2 on the side, didn’t run into any asshats but still …
Waffles with pure maple syrup with scrambled eggs, peppers, tomatoes, ham, onions and mushrooms.
Since I had to be to bed early tonight I decided to not socialize today. So what did I do? I played around in after … With Aperture-brand turrets, boots, bots and panels flooding the applied science aisle of your local department store, you could forgive the up-and-coming test lab … SNews (pronounced “snooze”) is a satirical video game reporting service. It’s meant to cover a large array of games, from action-adventure and RPG to …
Posted by the runner up overlord. The URU community has long since had TCT and CCN, but now it’s time for something fresh! Something radical! …