>This is allowed at MystBlogs! (But not anymore)

Hey, remember when I was banned from the MystBlogs because of some cosplay pics that DG posted? Well… Those weren’t ok, but apparently ddfreyne approves of this: Do not click on this at work. This picture was simulcast with a bunch of other pictures in this entry:http://sunchamber.wordpress.com/2009/07/31/art-collab-part-1/ So there you …

>Wutt The Fuck?

It seems Rear Admiral Wutt, everyones favorite fairymen has knocked the dust off his first forum account at the MOUL forum. http://mystonline.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=297727#297727 Rear Admiral: I’m sure in some nameless Undisclosed location they are working on something right now.I’d give names but would implicate myself in their secret operations. And possibly …


http://mystonline.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=17885&start=30 Wutt/Neile Adams/Admiral Vega/D’Neile/Wingnut Wutt/Everyone’s favorite ruby throated Southern American DoDo: Thank You I taught her well.“Read my Disk, There Iz no Uru Underground Shards” Yes Neile you have taught me so much. They say you can learn much from bad examples. If there was a pictionary depicting epic fail, …