I like how even when we keep a low profile this stuff comes up.

http://hitana20.livejournal.com/48106.html Hitana wrote: As the relationship proceeds new turns come up. I begin to realise that it isn’t an easy thing. I begin to realise the mistakes in him and I am confronted with the mistakes in myself once again. There were times when I beat myself up again and …

>Of fishtanks and churches.

Yesterday a thread was started over at the MOUL forum by DreamingGirl: http://mystonline.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=22447 To which Verylooney locked and gave a link to a discussion already in progress, about a fishtank… What does a fishtank have to do with Cyan’s church? Nice to see verylooney is still an excellent moderator. Totally …