Category: Gaming
OverlordTomala and Yutram Play: Brain4Dead Part 2 (L4D1)
We pick up where we left off last time, and we have another special guest! BAMAAAAN AGAIN!!!!!
Right on queue
I finished my project last night! I’ll be releasing it tomorrow as planned, and have also done some prep work for Episode 3. I’m hoping …
Why yes, you can game during your lunch break
I’ve been taking a gaming laptop with me to work for about 5 or 6 years now, and it still amazes me how I can …
Things that float fabulously in the night
I opted to take a break from SFM tonight, and wanted to do a livestream. NIGHTS is both a game that is as annoying as …
OverlordTomala and Yutram Play: Brain4Dead Part 1 (L4D1)
In this episode we get back to our roots, Batman unlocks an ancient power, and more hallucinations.
OverlordTomala and Yutram Play Quake Champions: Episode 2
After tons of editing and refining, I finally have 3 minutes and 40 seconds of footage that I can share with the world to kick …
Microsoft Wants To Improve Windows 10 Gaming Through “XBox Ideas”
Everything about this from wording to the execution is just wrong on so many levels… Team Xbox would love to hear how you’d like to …
Well I know what I’ll want to do in a couple weeks
I heard through the grapevine that another Skyrim multiplayer mod is in the works, and it looks fairly interesting! I remember when some friends and …
The Important Things
It has been brought to my attention that I have wasted an entire month on Gmod, and it only took me a little over a …