Open Thread

Judging by the amount of rainstorm I’m hearing right now my activities will be indoor based. Just as well… I should probably focus on getting better the rest of the way, even though at this point I’m mostly coughing up foam.

I logged into my pootube for the first time in awhile and got a message from a steam friend. Apparently in my sick absence a rumor went around that someone pissed me off. That’s really funny… Me getting pissed out about people on the internet. Good game net trolls, good game. Clearly they don’t read my blog, probably a good thing.

Ah well… Guess I’ll take my pomberry tea to bed. It’s been a hard days night of killing shit in L4D2.

Open Thread

Medicine seems to be doing the trick. I’ve gotten a lot of my energy back, though it still wasn’t enough today at work. We were horribly understaffed in grocery. Just my boss and I trying to please the masses asses.

A co worker introduced me to her son because she knows I’m a gamer, alas it was yet another xboxtard. Hard to find PC gamers around here…

Open Thread

Throughout my entire shift today there was a old homeless man who kept coming back a few bags at a time to recycle cans and bottles at our bottle return machines. The machines make it more than clear that you insert cans or bottles into it. He mostly had milk jugs, mayonnaise jars, giant vodka and juice bottles though. He also wanted to know how to “start” the machine… Clearly you just insert the can or bottle to get it to work. When it didn’t take one of his cans I asked him what one it wouldn’t take (We don’t take iced tea cans for example) and he has no idea what it says… Turns out he doesn’t know how to read either.

That was enough to make me thankful to at least have a job right now.

Late Night Open Thread

Here’s a good story folks,


A cashier called me to grab some D batteries for a customer. It’s not even my job but I did it anyway. Anyway I grabbed them and handed them to the cashier. “Those aren’t D batteries!” she and the customer said. I pointed out to them that yes they are D batteries, you can tell because they say so on the packaging… “Ohhh I need this battery!”. So I go get it “Here are your 9 volt batteries maam…”. Gawd, not even the cashier knew…


Other than that it was an average busy Friday evening. I came home and worked on another intro that I’ll be using for my Public Service Announcements. I was inspired by a dream that I had last night. For some reason I was in this castle walking on floating platforms making my way to a chair with 2 guards claiming to be my servants standing next to it. I honestly have no clue how that dream came to be.

Open Thread

I worked during the entire superbowl. I’m not bummed though. I came home and had some good party food. I’m also recovering from some wine… I wasn’t feeling good when I came home to begin with so I shouldn’t have touched the stuff.


Work has rescheduled my work week so I’ll be having a day off tomorrow instead of Wednesday.

Sunday Night Open Thread

I was in the middle of a nice dream full of sunlight and peaceful music. I woke up to a nice sunny day. Got my work clothes on and went into the bathroom to do my daily grooming routine, only to find a certain someone in the bathtub…


Sammy has a thing for bathtubs. I got my things together for the work day. Went down hill after that… It was one of those days where you couldn’t wait to get home away from a bunch of zombified asshats.

Think I’ll have a couple drinks tonight. I need some therapy.