Easy Like Sunday Morning

Easy Like Sunday Morning

I’ve been in recovery mode from all of last week. I did manage to drag my ass out of bed at a semi-decent hour, cleaned the dishes and made a nice breakfast. An omelet sounded good, and I forgot about the special cheeses I had leftover from my cheese/wine snackage during vacation. I shredded what was left of both inside the omelet and it was nom, all of it was.

Other than that I’ve been drinking warm beverages and playing a few games to unwind. A couple indies and Serious Sam 4; Yutram and I finally beat it tonight. I hope they release a workshop for it like they did for the other games, and maybe other gamemodes like they did in BFE and the HD remasters. I’ll save the rest of my thoughts for another post though. Most games that I actually finish generally get the honor of having their own dedicated post.