I Can Finally Say It

I Can Finally Say It

I received a phone call this evening from work notifying me of the death of a co-worker, not someone that I work closely with but did see in passing throughout each week. She was quite the Karen, and she’s dead now from COVID. She and her husband are/were antivax, antimask and believed all their problems could be solved by yelling at people they didn’t like on social media and in person! My memories of her consist mainly of bitching about people on Facebook who told her husband to put a mask on and threatening to run them out of town. She left behind young children, and a husband who probably won’t learn from this experience like many of the others I read throughout the internet these days.

May these morons embrace their easily preventable rapture. It sounds heartless, but I’m so fucking sick and tired of people like her clogging up the hospitals in the name of  “medical freedom”. I read about her ilk everyday over at r/HermanCainAward, and it amazes and saddens me how so many of these people are similar from beliefs to appearances all the way down to behaviour and atrocious grammar and spelling. I could go on, but I’m sure I’ll be writing up another one of these in the future. I know a lot of people who are firmly on the Antivax/Jesus is all the protection I need train, and they’re more than willing to throw themselves into a situation that could easily be prevented, but y’know… Murica.