Ruining It For Everyone Else Since 2004
Late Night Open Thread

Late Night Open Thread

Got my work uniform ready for later today. As well as all of the other bells and whistles I hand picked. Since the weather has been a bit crappy the last few days (and still supposed to be) I think I’ll keep the makeup to a minimum. So for my 7 day work week I picked the following daily care:

  1. Lipstick/gloss
  2. Foundation
  3. Blush

Maybe even some pink nail polish… Which really isn’t like me at all, but I’ve been meaning to try some new stuff. Once again I had another day off where I didn’t accomplish anything for my projects. Good thing I’m as far ahead as I am. Ah well. Edit a new victory end song for the TF2 server in Soundbooth then call it lights out.