Ruining It For Everyone Else Since 2004
New Years Eve Open Thread

New Years Eve Open Thread

For the last few years I’ve tried to keep a theme for the final blog post of each year; Last year I posted my best bits from my YouTube collection in 2020, which I didn’t bother doing this year due to only putting out three videos. In the last couple of years prior I blogged about games that I’ve finished during the year. Sadly I can only say DMC 5 and AMID EVIL (Both are mad awesome games btw and both very Linux compatible via Proton), and for me that isn’t enough to end the year on.

With that being said; I think it’s a safe bet to assume that in one way or another, we can all agree, that 2020 was by far a burning dumpster fire of a year, if only we could agree on more. I learned a lot from 2020, saw so many things I never thought I could see in a lifetime; you know… like a global pandemic, a toilet paper shortage in a country that makes most of its toilet paper, idiots that are so afraid of masks that they have to attack people wearing them, fucktards refusing to understand science even if it’s literally at their fucking fingertips, a coin shortage that shit stains blamed on Bill Gates and the derp state, having to endure childish insults about wearing my “communist burka” or being referred to as a toilet paper nazi, or a derp state puppet, etc… the list could go on and on all night, and that energy was better spent on another project.

May 2021 not mean 2020 won.