>Overlord Overtime

>Overlord Overtime

On Saturday, Sunday and today your Overlord has managed to get Overtime. More money so I can screw the rules… But your Overlord is royally beat. Today 6 1/2 hours instead of 5 (which I didn’t mind, yesterday 11 1/2 hours (ouch!) and the day before that a normal full shift with 15 minutes over. I’ll sleep good tonight.

Just made myself a little Pad Thai and some fresh spinach with lime dressing. Finished the last of the antioxidant green tea box. And today I bought plenty of stuff for kitchen experimentation either tomorrow or the next day.

Now I would like to share with you a top I wore today:


Red V Neck wrapped sweater with a bow, and my Overlord cap. Smexy… The gold necklace is nice too.

Meh… Guess I’ll go sleep now.