I’ve pretty much spent the day in bed. My shoulder is continuing to give me grief, in fact parts of my hand and arm get a strange cold numb feeling. It’s at the point now where I’ve had to use a sick day to see a doctor tomorrow. I know it’s just a pinched nerve, but two days off of work doesn’t seem to be enough to get my shoulder to stop yelling at me.
I think a couple things that would help would be to replace my old mattress, and get a new computer chair. Something comfortable but ergonomic perhaps.
I wanted to make a more fancier brunch than usual, being it’s a holiday and everything… I made an omelette filled with blue cheese, and topped with grape tomatoes and onions cooked in oil and balsamic vinegar. I also bought some French Bread made with cranberries and blueberries, layered with some sweetened cream cheese and berries. The bacon is there by default. 😛 With their powers combined, they gave me Memorial Day Itis.
I haven’t been feeling well these last couple days… or rather the whole week. It’s been a fight with a stiff shoulder/back/ limbs etc. I think my body needs another vacation, and a new mattress. I’ve pretty much been sore one way or the other since my last weekend; hopefully I can use this upcoming one to work out these kinks.
On a brighter note I’ve finished my After Effects render! This brings me to Stage 4: Staging/Animating the end of the video. I might work on that a bit tomorrow, maybe if I don’t feel thrashed I’ll attempt to do a livestream.
I’m almost done animating the hologram/codec call in AE. I just have some other tweaks to perform to it, possibly add another layer on top of a couple of points, then I’ll have something to render. I’ve forgotten how fun it is to play around in After Effects. It makes me wish there was something available in Open Source software…
I’ll have to sit down one of these evenings to see if there is something that could give AE a run for its money. I never use Premiere Pro anymore, and Photoshop is getting less use thanks to Krita. The less Adobe I use the less I have to use Windows. 😛
I decided to try one of the many games I haven’t touched in my library, and my magical dartboard of destiny landed on Ghost 1.0, a metroidvania meets megaman type of game that isn’t afraid to make fun of itself:
Your name is Ghost, and you’re on a mission to steal the greatest electronic secret ever hidden on the Nakamura Space Station. Primarily you remote control an android that can be rebuilt via 3D Printing should you die. You can also use your mysterious unexplained digital ghost powers to possess different robots and androids on the Space Station to solve puzzles, or clear things out ahead of time.
Anything Ghost possesses will turn slightly blue
It handles nicely under Linux, even on my Linux Surface Tablet! It runs as if it were made for it!
Aside from your typical powerups and weapons, you also have upgrades and… geeks? I found a geek item while playing a little bit ago, and equipping it seems to emit a weird scream anytime you’re damaged by an enemy.
You can also collect skill points to apply to certain skill trees. You can improve your chassis or your ghost abilities. You can also level up Jacker and Boogan, the ones that hired you to take on this cray cray adventure. Boogan is your technical specialist, and Jacker is a hacker . 😛 You can also improve things for yourself around the space station, but so far I’ve mainly focused on chassis upgrades.
So far the game has been fun, challenging, and funny enough for me to forgive the voice acting in certain spots. Perhaps I’ll will myself through this game on another weekend, and maybe also during a long trip on my tablet! I can finally tell the co-worker that gifted this to me that I love it! 😛 If you like metroidvania style games you might want to consider looking this one up.
This weekend’s Brunch was a Frittata! I was actually going to make this recipe, but decided to change a couple ingredients, as well as add some extras. I still had leftover spinach that needed to be used, along with some grape tomatoes. I traded the cream cheese for feta, and used kalamata olives instead of typical black. I also added a garlic clove and cooked it in a little remaining marsala at the bottom of a wine bottle. I had it along side some sourdough bread and it was real flavourful. The smoked salmon with the feta and olives really paired well. It looks like I’ll have a fancy breakfast to pack for work for at least a couple of days! 😛
You wouldn’t know this was for a Bayonetta livestream recap… or wtf is even going on
I did some re-rendering in Shotcut today to pre-render certain elements into the hologram (text and some other filters) to save time and resources while working in AE. I’ll continue work on it in a day or two…
It’s been a long day, and I’m in need of a little R&R.
Not much to write. Spent the last couple hours playing around in After Effects trying to tweak the proper colour of a hologram. I’m thinking I might re-render the source video for the hologram in to include some refinements just to save some time in AE, either tomorrow or wait until Monday. I could brainstorm what additional elements to add, and what they would look like. But now comes the part of the evening where I lay back in bed, and plot what my private weekend Breakfast/Brunch will include. I’m kind of curious to see if there are any breakfast recipes that would involve fish (apart from Japanese breakfasts of course). I was also thinking of doing a little online shopping over the weekend. I need to restock on some British Nesquik, some tea, and maybe some other random things.
Maybe if I’m feeling good enough I’ll buy myself some Jaffa Cakes. 😛
I had to re-render those scenes from last night due to using an incorrect framerate, so my time in After Effects was a little limited this evening. I did get things prepped in After Effects though, so there is that. As much as I would like to share a picture it’s still a little too barebones for me to want to share it just yet, and I still need to get used to using it again. It’s been a long time since I’ve had to use anything from Adobe… it feels weird.