We had a nice afternoon, the sun proved not to be a myth! But once the sun no longer graced us with its presence the cold moved in quickly. I made a Chilean based soup I found while scrounging the food part of the internet yesterday. I became curious about Chilean cuisine and stumbled upon a soup called Carbonada. It’s a beef vegetable soup. I followed this recipe minus the pumpkin. I also had to improv a little on the onion situation with a mixture of green onion and a shallot in place of the yellow onion. There was also some leftover rice from another dish the other night, but not enough for it to be noticed in the big soup. I might make some quinoa to go with it, it’s good for you and I have an odd craving for it for some reason…
No, this isn’t chili
But it is really good! It’s a special oatmeal I made with British Strwaberry Nesquik (it has vitamins and natural strawberry believe it or not, unlike the Murican version which has artificial flavoring and little to no nutritional value), chopped strawberries from the garden, pecans and dark chocolate chips. It’s more of a valentines day flavor I guess, but it was a cold morning, and I wanted something sweet. I was not disappointed!
This concludes Weekend Breakfast at the Overlord’s. Tune in next week when I decide to do another thing! (Descriptive I know…)
Now For Something Completely Different
Every once in awhile I’ll make a savory yogurt type of cold soup that consists of cucumbers, spring onion, walnuts mint and dill. I sometimes make it during the summer, but wanted to have it on top of some quinoa. I made this particular one with plain greek yogurt, half of a grated cucumber and the other half chopped, grape tomatoes, chopped baby spinach with a mix of other salad leaves, chopped green onion, a serrano pepper, chopped pecans (ran out of walnuts), mint, dill, a pinch of salt and some milk to thin out the greek yogurt. It was a refreshing way to start the day, and I have a couple day’s worth for the work week! I don’t know many people that eat yogurt with savory ingredients, and I’m sure if they saw me eating this at work I’d probably get the stink eye.
I Don’t Think This Is A Camera…
I got an email telling me that my new camera would arrive today! Early and ahead of schedule! Perfect timing for the weekend! Once I got my hands on the package I opened er up and, well… This was inside:
Going over the seller’s store on Ebay leads me to believe this might be a mistake. They have good feedback and sell an assortment of new and used items varying from electronics to clothing, so it’s possible there was a mistake. That said, it’s also possible the camera was sent to the person who ordered this ornament for the holidays. Either way I’ve contacted the seller, and I’m currently awaiting a response.
I was hoping to be able to play with my new camera this weekend, but that’s been put on hold until something is resolved. At least I can think of a few hundred other activities to keep me busy.
Café Der Overlord
After a few years of contemplating I’ve finally decided to bite the bullet and invested in a milk frother. Over the last few days I’ve managed to make sweet fluffy milk with coconut sugar and vanilla extract, hot cocoa with a helping of British Nesquik I purchased by accident from the Amazing Zon (which is fine because the Murican one suuuuuuuuuuucks by comparison), American strawberry Nesquik (looking to get in some of the British one too!) which made a warm strawberry fluff, and tonight I made warm fluffy eggnog with equal part milk and a bit of Cream Sherry for an added kick. I’m not sure about anyone else, but for me mixing eggnog with Cream Sherry or Marsala gives it a zabaglione taste (that’s an Italian wine custard). Nice to have a nice fluffy drinkable version for when I don’t feel like hovering over a stove making it from scratch, during the holidays anyway…
I have so many ideas on what kind of flavored foam I can conjure to go with each brew of tea, or what kind of hot cocoas and chocolates I can make! Methinks my weekend will have a few drinkable clouds, maybe even a London Fog finally! I could also probably use it to make a nice Japanese Matcha Cream to go over a Matcha Latte, and many other drinkable brain children.
Evening Open Thread
I’m not feeling well enough to concentrate on a topic, so talk amongst yourselves…
Rhode Island is neither a road nor an island.
The Watermelon Conspiracy Continues
I’m not sure if this showed up on my recommended list because of Watermelon or from watching Yakuza videos… I knew there was a reason I liked this character. :v
Music For The Self Sufficient Destructive
Been rocking out to the Serious Sam 4 Soundtrack. This is one of my favorite tracks in the game, it’s a remix of the original Corridor of Death from Serious Sam: The Second Encounter.
This entire series has excellent music going all the way back to the boss battles of First Encounter, and a large portion of the second. Sometimes I think I like to play these games specifically to rock out. Hell, with the holidays we also have:
Just once I should play this at work for the holidays. :v
Sweet, Savor, and Spice
This will probably be the last breakfast snapshot I take with this camera, the new one should arrive sometime around the weekend. Today I powered myself with more bacon n eggs, this time with fried eggs topped with some habanero salsa. I also made some blueberry/raspberry pancakes on a whim, with plenty more throughout the week. Also making sure to get some milk, OJ and a mix of blueberry and jasmine tea, fruit and jasmine always seem to pair together really well.
I was also going to make some muffins, but I ran out of eggs. On the brightside I did finish my Christmas shopping, now all I have to do is wait for it all to show up. 8) This weekend went by too fast…
Easy Like Sunday Morning
I’ve been in recovery mode from all of last week. I did manage to drag my ass out of bed at a semi-decent hour, cleaned the dishes and made a nice breakfast. An omelet sounded good, and I forgot about the special cheeses I had leftover from my cheese/wine snackage during vacation. I shredded what was left of both inside the omelet and it was nom, all of it was.
Other than that I’ve been drinking warm beverages and playing a few games to unwind. A couple indies and Serious Sam 4; Yutram and I finally beat it tonight. I hope they release a workshop for it like they did for the other games, and maybe other gamemodes like they did in BFE and the HD remasters. I’ll save the rest of my thoughts for another post though. Most games that I actually finish generally get the honor of having their own dedicated post.