The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Hell Hath No Fury Like An Ion Maiden Scorned

Ion Fury was another game I got during the summer sale. I’ve actually been following this project ever since it still being referred to as “Ion Maiden”. It plays like something out of the Duke Nukem era, mainly because it plays on the same engine with a few modern tweaks. In fact it’s basically a Duke Nukem game but with a badass woman to replace a badass man, and a more cyberpunk type of universe. The humor is pretty much the same.

I’m only two levels in so far, but so far I’ve been pleasantly amused. I think its great that 3D Realms is still getting use out of their build engine. I mean if you’re going to waste a ton of money on Hookers and Blow you can’t afford to invest in newer game engines. So good they’ve finally found a balance.

Animation Diary: In Dire Need Of A Manicure

I’m getting close to seeing a light at the end of this tunnel finally. We just did a couple voice lines for the ending, and then I can focus on smoothing the animations, and making a short scene in one last map. I can’t wait to finally finish this damn “saga”. It’ll be fun to move onto other videos.

I’m Officially An Addict

I think this is going to be one of those games that I’m going to have issues putting down. I made it deeper into the city, leveled up a few times and collected more weapons and other items. The ruined city really gives off some NieR Automata vibes. I’ve been using this and Source Filmmaker to keep me up tonight… I’m pulling graveyards for the next week… while I’m more of a night person than anything I can’t really say I’m too excited, but I’ll endure somehow I guess. On the bright side I get to sleep in too, so there is that. I’m thinking of plopping into bed, grabbing my steam controller and playing a little bit more before calling it a night.

Anyone else having fun with their Summer Sale games?

Anime Souls

Maintain six feet ahead of me, or you’re going to maintain six feet under me.

This was one of the many purchases I made during the sale. CODE VEIN is basically Dark Souls with an anime skin, and I’ve really been loving it. It somehow managed to suck 4 hours away from me,and I’m pretty sure the first hour was fucking around with different character options.

Dude where’s my blood beads?

You are reborn as a Reverent; A being that uses Blood Codes which give you different fighting abilities and options. As you play you can pick and choose your play style to be more melee based, mage like, and plenty more to discover. So far in my play through I’ve obtained 4 Blood Codes, and have already maxed three of them out. You go around fighting other Reverent beings, or rather “The Lost” who are Reverent who have become bloodthirsty. You, and people you eventually meet are trying to find more blood beads, which help sustain you and your Reverent buddies. This game is indeed very souls like, with multiple partners to choose from if you want a companion to tag along of either the human or AI variety.

No one pisses off the albino SheDevil and gets away with It… unless they are one powerful muthafucka.

I think I might be a little too addicted to the photo mode. I like games where I can have creative freedom, and one of the things I’ve been digging in later years is photo mode in games; it can make for some wallpaper worthy screencaps.

I’ve been awake for almost 24 hours… this bed looks like porn to me.

So far it has been a real joy to play. I needed to play something tonight to help readjust my sleep pattern, and CODE VEIN managed to keep my intrigue. This might even have to go on the list for games to bring on my gaming laptop. Another thing to scare people with during lunch breaks! I find people are less likely to bug me if they see me stabbing something and pretending it was someone who really pissed me off earlier in my shift.

So far, I would say that if you like Dark Souls and don’t mind anime aesthetics there is a good chance you’ll enjoy this.


Praise Gaben! For He Has Blessed Us With Swag

I keep zoning in and out of my new profile background. The Steam Summer Sale started today and I needed to make a few purchases (as is tradition), and I learned about tokens and free swag. I managed to obtain enough tokenage to get some free profile swag. That’s when I noticed they updated the Edit Profile section to make it a little more modern. They added a few color themes. I’m rolling with the Summer theme, which is oddly watermelon colored… I think Gabe is in on the whole melonspiracy.

Animation Diary: Yes, there is still a couch…

I finally found some time to do a little proper SFM. It’s a slow process being made even slower by day to day life. I might even be able to tackle it a bit more tomorrow, maybe actually finish a scene. It would be nice to release these sometime this year… We’re already looking at July and I haven’t even published a video, damn you real life and having to feed myself!

Anyone else have some projects they want to share/vent about?

Rest In Pieces Mixer

You have a new neighbor, Zune.

I knew this day would come the moment Microsoft wanted to compete with Twitch and YouTube… I’m shocked I tell you! Shocked!

Microsoft announced today that the company will be shutting down its streaming site Mixer on July 22 and will partner with Facebook Gaming moving forward.

Anyone with a basic history of Microsoft products should have seen this coming from a mile away. I mean the moment I researched Mixer and found they were Microsoft owned I knew this wasn’t something that was going to stick around, much like their history with the Zune, Microsoft Phone, Microsoft Bob (yes that was an actual thing), etc. Now, Microsoft’s streaming platform isn’t entirely dead… but it might as well be, as they’re moving their services to Facebook Gaming as mentioned above… a name alone that makes me cringe buckets. Facebook Gaming makes me think of… Farmville. Then again that image alone is lame enough for Microsoft to be a part of them.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Runs Better Under Linux?

I stumbled across this in my RSS feed the other day, and as someone who traverses between Windows and Linux frequently I was quite happy to read about this. Apparently if you own an AMD GPU then congratulations, you’ll have better performance under Linux rather than Windows .

The fact there is no native Linux client for RDR2 and there is a considerable amount of performance compared to Windows is both hilarious and impressive at the same time. May we see more results as above.