The Mind Of OverlordTomala

So apparently I have google plus.

Since I’m a member of YouTube as well as google (due to my old blogger profile) apparently I now have a google plus. Luckily with none of my personal information on it.

So if you happen to find me on there and wonder why I’m not doing much with it, it’s because all my stuff will be riiiiiiight here where it belongs.

If they only knew…

10:16 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: does any1 have a girlfriend here?
10:17 AM – OverlordTomala: I’m not into girls.
10:17 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: so you gay?
10:17 AM – OverlordTomala: I’m always happy 🙂
10:17 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: ok 😛 so you homosexual?
10:17 AM – OverlordTomala: Nope, just like dudes.
10:17 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: how old are you? 😛
10:18 AM – OverlordTomala: Older than dirt
10:18 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: what age are you
10:18 AM – OverlordTomala: bronze
10:18 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: …
10:18 AM – OverlordTomala: bronze age
10:18 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: what year were you born in
10:18 AM – OverlordTomala: The one with stuff
10:19 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: what was the exacted year you were born in
10:19 AM – OverlordTomala: Tuesday
10:19 AM – Beararsed: i was born in 19 something something
10:19 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: tuesday isnt a year
10:19 AM – OverlordTomala: Ok I was born in 19 something something
10:19 AM – Beararsed: Tom, for a bit of a troll sometimes, youre doing pretty good 🙂
10:19 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: are you a virgin?
10:20 AM – OverlordTomala: Are you looking for one? :O
10:20 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: im looking for fun time 😉
10:20 AM – Beararsed: he is trying to groom you Tom
10:20 AM – OverlordTomala: He’s looking for a fun time on the internet… lol
10:20 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: im not a he im a she btw
10:21 AM – OverlordTomala: Riiiiight.
10:21 AM – Beararsed: i find tha unlikely
10:21 AM – OverlordTomala: Girls don’t exist on the internet. It’s been said on the internet so it must be true
10:21 AM – urafailclan_billox the great: ofc
10:21 AM – Beararsed: we have out quota of women in this chat already thank you


Yep, still in Ubuntu.

Well, I tested Serious Sam 3 on Ultra graphics with success. Killing Floor passes with flying colors too. Team Fortress 2 seems to be throwing an error regarding OpenGL, so I’m downloading the latest drivers and trying yet another method of installing them. The ones already made available didn’t work, I tried running the makeself but ran out of memory… O_o So now I’m redownloading the latest drivers and trying yet again.

I have faith that I’ll get it sorted.

On another note my new gaming laptop arrived in the mail today. I’m currently copying some some games onto it from another computer for testing later on. So I’ll be very busy for awhile.