Well folks it’s Dec 1st! You know what that means? It means I’m already sick of listening to Christmas music at work! I grow tired quickly hearing the same song sung 27 different ways. Which is why from now until Christmas I will be sharing with you all my favorite choices of Christmas songs or other oddities.
Don’t have much to share
Weather has been cold, I’ve been absorbing pot after pot of tea, work was quiet, I killed things in TF2, I have nothing to make fun of.
Is the weekend here already?
Forums going down for awhile
Our 90MPH storm with hard rain has arrived. Will be back up when it calms down.
IT’s back up. You probably already knew. 😛
More Tomb Raider titles make it to Steam
Hmmm. I might have to pick this up during the winter sale. 🙂 I don’t have Tomb Raider 3, and the original 1 and 2’s audio never worked properly for me. Though that may be possibly related to the switch between ISA sound to PCI back in the day. Either way I’ll have to keep my eyes out.
Either way I’ve always loved the Tomb Raider series.
Wanna see some trollface art?
In case most people don’t know. I adore the trollface. In fact go over and check this out. I lol’d. 😀
Gehn never looked prettier.
Want some of Glenn Beck’s special jarate?
Glenn Beck, infamously being known as yet another crazy radio show host and has been on both CNN and Fox News is trying to get back into media. How you may ask?
So he pisses in a jar, sticks an Obama figurine in there, and calls it art. Honestly I think the sniper should sue. Or at least Jarate him with his own piss jars.
garrysmod and kinect.
Well it’s official, garrysmod will get kinect support. 😀
Hmmm, this almost makes me wish I could take my Kinect with me so I could plug t into my laptop during my lunch break and make myself into even more of an ass. 😀
Taking it all too hard.
So let me start off by saying that I had a great day off today. I decided to just do nothing today and lay in the comfort and serenity of my bed and blankets, whist dreaming about being in a bed and blankets. But then I awoke to reality and had an interesting conversation at the dinner table tonight.
Apparently my mother had another confrontation with the creep that has been seeking me out. He “apologized” and gave her a note. In the note he confesses that the love of his life died in his arms and it brought him such trauma. And somehow just by seeing me he had those same feelings of being with her. But he doesn’t want a “relationship”.
If that wasn’t creepy enough, he apparently went to our Human Resources lady and complained to her for about 45 minutes about how he’s being seen as the bad guy and that he’s actually the victim. Then he rambled something about stuff in Vietnam and how it’s somehow related…
I think it’s time for me to get out my pitchfork and demand that this asshole be removed once and for all. What he’s doing is sexual harassment. I don’t even walk at night anymore because of this stupid fuck. If they don’t do anything about this, I’ll make them regret ignoring me. If I have to I’ll get my own restraining order, then I’ll turn around and get back at the company.
Don’t fuck with me.