The Mind Of OverlordTomala

>Sunday Night Open Thread

This week shall be dedicated to food. And tonight on a cold night we celebrate by having Cyantology soup. A soup with tomatoes, beef broth, sausage and tortellini.

On another note, I just thought I’d share with you what the front page of MystBlogs currently has:


There you have it folks, Cosplay will get you banned, but hot goat sex and lesbians that want your hard cock are perfectly ok!

Update it looks like he’s been completely removed from MystBlogs.

>DOMs two, The DOMS Strike Back.


There is a problem!!! Get your pitchforks!! This is an ongoing issue we must face, and take down like Frankenstein.

The problem is those who don’t believe. Those who get mad when we preach the word. Those who tell us we don’t understand what’s going on!! NO! You sir, you! You do not understand!!

What you people who suggest that we are ignorant, your the ignoramuses!! You who put us down for not being lawyers or rocket scientists. We don’t need to know anything besides the word. What’s the word you ask? The word is Cyan.

Cyan is the only people we need to know. Cyan is the only place we need to know. Cyan is everything we need to know. Whatever comes from Cyan is the word, and the word MUST be obeyed. If we were to deviate from the word, then things would……..change. Worse of all!! Our minds would change.

You see change is what those others (outsiders) want. They think the way things are is not fine and that if Cyan would just change their ways they would stop failing. This is WRONG thinking!!!

First of all Cyan has NEVER failed! NEVER! We have failed Cyan, yes, but we are not perfect like Rand. We can only hope to one day reach his divine feet, but no further could we attain. For to suggest even being on the same level as Rand is blasphemous. Rand is perect, and Rand is Cyan, therefore Cyan is infallible. So as you all know we had to find the reason for Uru’s failure. It was simple to find the culprit. It was US!! The fans!! We did not play long enough or convince enough people to join. We failed Cyan, but not on purpose. No, only those who seek change are doing things deliberately. They need to be stopped at all costs!

So far our plan has been to preach the word. We tell everyone that they should do what Cyan says, but they don’t listen. SO we need to move to the next stage. Eradication.

I know it’s a bit harsh, but lets face it, this community is going down hill, and that itself is not our fault. However, to allow this to continue would be criminal in my eyes. So instead I implore you all to find where those who cause us grief live and destroy their computers. Rand has said thou shall not hack, but he has not said that we could not physically destroy the computers of those that harm us.

So there you have it. Go out people of the light!! Find those infidels and mangle there phone lines, disable their networks with a bat, and put a bowling ball through their monitors! Whatever it takes to stop the menace is what I require of you!

>DOMs get yourselves ready!

So here we are. We have seen that Cyan is now working on a new project, MagiQuest. I don’t know what the rest of you frothing bundles of Cyan defenders are thinking, but I’m thinking this will be the greatest game ever conceived and brought forth from the foul smelling nether regions of Rand himself. I don’t even have to look at that one screen shot to know it either!!

So out yon creatures of the wheel! Log on! Police the forums! Anyone….. And I mean ANYONE who steps out of line we shall destroy.

First we will attack those who do not believe that Uru will return. I mean, that URU will return WITH Cyan running it exclusively and no hackers or dirty dirty shard admins involved. This Magiquest thing is just to make some money for URU! We all know this, why can’t they get it through their heads!!

Next we attack those hackers!! Can you believe they are already talking about hacking Magiquest files to work on those….shards…. Despicable!!!!! We all know that if they hack the MQ files Cyan will go out of business instantly. Cyan is such a pillar in the gaming and economic worlds they could topple the world!! We must get scared and defensive. Matter of fact, I am digging myself a bomb shelter and stocking up on ammo!

Then the best and last stage. WE take over Cyan Worlds!! That’s right! We take over and make sure that no one ever says things about Cyan we don’t like. We’ll police every forum and every website and infuse them with our fear and ignorance. Indeed we will CONTROL everyones thoughts! It would be easy cause once we take over, there won’t be anyone else but us anyways!!

So raise your banners Defenders Of Mediocrity!!! We shall destroy our tormentors!! Kill! Kill!! Kill!!!!!!!


This post was originally written by FreddyD during Co Author Of The Week back when this blog was hosted on blogger.


Today I share these clothes:


This red hat.


This white sweater that once belonged to a Cyantologyst.


And these pajamas make me feel so leet.


Boots fit for an Overlord. Seriously they fit like a glove.


Necklace. Clearance items are fun.


Fine jewelery earrings.


Nothing says “I’m going to take over the Uru community” quite like this bow in my hair.


And finally, the dress I wore today.

>Salsa and Explosions!

Today I didn’t really feel like doing much, other than playing in the kitchen. Made a nice omelet with spinach, onion, turkey bacon and colby jack cheese. Then some mango peach salsa and a regular fresh salsa. I’m a fiend for salsa and wanted to try making a couple of recipes from a cookbook. Turned out pretty nice!

Other than that it was a real calm day. Too calm in fact. So I decided to find more evil games to play so I can talk about how evil they are and why my community shouldn’t play them. For example, the HL2 beta. Yes… After a long search I came passed files from HL2 Source Engine 2 Build 4. And man… The stuff they left out was interesting, especially the jetski and the headcrab mommy. I’ll post pictures another time. But yeah, so many fun things like old dialogue and npc’s were fun to watch and listen to. These adventures may keep me busy for quite sometime, and who knows? I might even get clues as to what might pop up in HL2E3.

>Overlord Overtime

On Saturday, Sunday and today your Overlord has managed to get Overtime. More money so I can screw the rules… But your Overlord is royally beat. Today 6 1/2 hours instead of 5 (which I didn’t mind, yesterday 11 1/2 hours (ouch!) and the day before that a normal full shift with 15 minutes over. I’ll sleep good tonight.

Just made myself a little Pad Thai and some fresh spinach with lime dressing. Finished the last of the antioxidant green tea box. And today I bought plenty of stuff for kitchen experimentation either tomorrow or the next day.

Now I would like to share with you a top I wore today:


Red V Neck wrapped sweater with a bow, and my Overlord cap. Smexy… The gold necklace is nice too.

Meh… Guess I’ll go sleep now.