The Mind Of OverlordTomala

>Very nice.

I appear to have this superpower to end a thread of any kind over at MOUL with the click of a button.

I don’t know if anyone else was following the CyanChat thread over at MOUL that DorK started. But what he started I finished:

ddfeyne/amonre wrote:
I think I’m better than you at grammar. Does that make me elitist?

Judging from the quote below, maybe… Just maybe…

ddfeyne/amonre wrote:
: wants to join myst blogs
: >_< : why are we chatting on slackerschat
: because
: cyanchat is better
: more elitist*
: sorry typo

What do you think? ;)

And your kind buddies locked the thread and hid it away someplace safe to protect you. How considerate of them.

Edit: It’s back, locked up though. Told you I am a powerful individual.

>Sunday Open Fashion Thread

Whew… I was so tired by this afternoon that when I tried to go for a walk in the sun I could feel my feet bitching at me.

Anyway, time to share some photos of things and stuff!


I wore one of my many white shirts today. But whenever I’m done with them on a hot day I take them off only to reveal a spaghetti strap top under it. The best part about these kind is that they server a double purpose. Built in bra and full top, one less thing for me to clean since I can’t afford to pay my minions to wash my every clothing article.

Anyway, back to that top. You can see what I have over it. It’s Sunday what can I say… I have to at least try and look innocent. And what else to add to the illusion? Oh, and I also wore my new black capris. But I couldn’t be arsed to take a snapshot.


Say hello to my earrings, cross and bracelet. The cross found me in a parking lot many years ago. And it guided me to the faith of Cyantology where I soon learned that I would be the prophet that speaks for you all. The other stuff? it just looks nice. No fancy story that I can come up with yet, but give it time…


These are one of the few pairs of sunglasses that are left standing. See, I’m so bright that I have to wear them so I won’t go blind.

After I took a relaxing soak I got into some nice warm velvet PJ’s.


And that is my Halloween kitty Sammy. 😀 He likes my bedroom.

And on another note, My arms are getting real tan! Now if I could just fix the rest of me…