I’m not really feeling it tonight… Gonna have to take the night off from typing shit, nothing good would come of it right now.
Open Thread.
I’m not really feeling it tonight… Gonna have to take the night off from typing shit, nothing good would come of it right now.
Open Thread.
Playing DOOM in Portal 2 the other night set me in the mood to check out the remastered version of Old School Quake, even got some achieve-o’s after a long day. I’m three levels into the first episode. I do like some of the accessibility features, like contrast, and disabling bobbing.
On another note: I read today that The Two Johns are reuniting for DOOM’s 30th Anniversary! Hard to believe it’s been that long… I feel old.
Today started like any other day of reprieve. I wake up, scratch an orange cat’s ears as he sleeps at my bedside, turn my tablet on and read the many goings on in the world. Then I get my headphones out and listen to one of my fave podcasts while making myself the last of many fine breakfasts that I make when I’m not going anywhere, (til the next weekend anyway). Prepared my work belongings for tomorrow, make the ol’ shopping list among other things. Then I heard this afternoon that a good friend of the family passed away.
He was one of the first people we met when we moved down to Oregon waaaaaaay back in the 90’s. I don’t know the full specifics, other than they let him out of the hospital saying he was fine, and that he had family by his side when he went. Memories have been flooding in and out of my head all day, a few decades worth. Memories of fireworks, BBQ’s, interesting stories he’d tell. We had LAN parties when he visited and played all kinds of games like Quake III, TF2, L4D2…. He almost always brought jerky or sausage with him, and held no qualms about sharing his recipes with us when he visited. He will be greatly missed, and never forgotten.
This wasn’t the note I wanted to end my vacation on, and I’m sure these intruding memories will probably appear when I’m at work tomorrow. But then again there never really is a good time for loved ones to go… is there?
Went venturing on the Portal 2 Steam Workshop tonight for some scientific fun! We played through a few different chambers, but E1M1 from the original DOOM was my highlight of the evening.
Interesting having to play it without any zombies or weapons. The enemies have been swapped out with Turrets, and you can even adjust the difficulty.
We played on nightmare mode on the first try. It was tough, but we made it through after a few thousand turret related deaths. It should make for some fun footage once I get around to looking at it. 🙂
It was a nice game to end the evening on. Tomorrow is my last day of reprieve, and I’ve both enjoyed and appreciated the relaxation, time off and peace that I’ll probably lose within the first couple hours of returning come Tuesday morning. Oh well… I needed the break.
I ALWAYS need the break.
Today when I woke up to gray and rainy weather, all warm in nice clean bedding. I opened up my tablet to do some cozy in bed reading, only to find there was no internet. I managed to survive the six hour outage by doing other things. A little more tidying, some animation and even prepping a video.
Other than that I’ve been playing through Dust: An Elysian Tail on my Steam Deck. Started at 68% completion tonight and left it at 72%. Survived a boss battle and found a bunch of keys and several chests that may or may not have contained a bunch of hot dogs, and maybe a blue print (not for making hot dogs). The scenery matched today’s weather, and chillin’ on the Steam Deck brought back old school rainy day Game Boy sessions.
Might have to play a little more under the covers. 🙂 It’s supposed to be pissing down for the next few days, may as well get comfortable with my game collection. 🙂
I was sifting through our to-do list of multiplayer games that have yet to be completed, and tonight I was feeling a bit of a pining for the Borderlands. We traveled to Borderlands 3 and managed to complete some quests. It was a fun slay session. We partied and died like Rockstars on the battlefield, over and over again.
Other than that I breezed through some video footage and got some cleaning done. All thanks to the power of a balanced breakfast that may or may not involve bacon.I only have a few days left before I have to return to reality, so I’m doing my best to enjoy myself… even if it means listening to Claptrap a bit.
We had rain today! Perfect weather for trying out some of the new blueberry tea I stocked up on! I usually drink a black tea with blueberry, but also decided to try a green tea with blueberry. It also has hibiscus and some other stuff, extremely refreshing!I finished assembling the super secret care package, vibed to some music, did a bit of animating, and played a couple acts of Back 4 Blood with Yutram.
We had a better time getting around tonight, this time there was less dying. We dialed back the difficulty so that we could find our way around better. Did a better job of taking in the sights, and crossed some achievements off our list. I still like the Left 4 Dead’s better, but tonight I think Back 4 Blood grew on me a little bit more.
It’s been a nice chill kind of day, evening now… in both weather and in vibes. I set another virtual stage for a future video, brain stormed some story ideas with Yutram, and we even went on a trip to Egypt tonight!
At one point we had two strangers join us, but they both ducked out before we made it to The Great Pyramid. As usual we had a wonderful time!
Other than that I FINALLY got some packages today for myself, and for a friend’s care package I’ve been waiting to box up. 🙂 I’ll probably finish that up either tonight or tomorrow. I can’t say what I got for my friend, but I did get myself some new teas! I found a Hawaiian Earl Grey that sounded intriuging. Plus a grapefruit jasmine. I haven’t tried them yet, it’s been a vanilla coconut white tea kind of day. Thanks to my time off I’m starting to feel energized! I even made a super important poll over at Mastodon!
Or something…
Yutram and I decided to check out Back 4 Blood tonight. He just recently got it during the Halloween Sale on Steam, and I’ve had it for awhile but never got around to playing it. Given that it’s Hallow’s Eve, we figured this would be the perfect night to check it out!
It’s like a mix of Left 4 Dead, Borderlands 2, and a similar reward system you find in Quake Champions. It has a card system that will buff or de-buff your game on each level, and each character has different stats and abilities. You can also purchase additional improvements for your character and weapons before each match, kinda like Counter Strike, or would it be Terror Strike in this case? 😛 We had a good time playing tonight, and now that we have an idea of how to play the game we’ll have to play it again soon.
Thus concludes another Spooktober! It’s been fun keeping to a theme, pretty easy with my collection… did I actually finish any games? No, but I did progress in a lot of them and earned the achievements to prove it! I even started some new adventures. Maybe tomorrow I’ll celebrate with something that may or may not be spooky.
Options – I haz them.