The Mind Of OverlordTomala

>The dark art of hacking is upon us.

This has been discussed on many forums and maybe even some blogs in the past, but community this needs to be addressed.

As you may know, there are people among us who know the dark art. Or as some call it, hacking or even haxx0ring. Hacking is a threat to our In Caverness. Sure it brings us things like fan made ages, but who would waste their time wanting to explore things a Cyan fan made, when you can enjoy a Cyan age? Why I remember when linking into Jalak for the first time, I was speechless and my jaw was nearly to the floor asking myself “who would take the time to make something like this?” Cyan that’s who!!!

This is what sparked me to write this blog entry.

There is a post that got deleted from that thread that says the following:

This is a load of mess BTW as that information likely came from a public whois database.


My heroes at the MOUL board did the right thing in deleting that post. But I think they could have taken it a bit farther. They should have deleted that entire thread since it could be used as a reference to hacking. And don’t end it there either! Delete every single thread or post that has these following words:

Hack, haXX, Haxx0rs, hackers, age creation, adminKI, userKI, slackers, prp, OOC, python, lima beans, and last but not least Until Uru,

You know, if we had more people like my hero Whitch2, we wouldn’t even have this problem. If they hired me I’d do a wonderful job as moderator. Just as long as I have plenty of cheetos and flavorade.


Well community it’s that time of the year again. Cyan is creating MORE, and you know what that means!!! That’s right! It’s high time for the sacrificial pizza to be sent to the Cyan gods. Now sure, some of you cynics are gonna say “Ummm, Cyan hasn’t gotten MORE here yet, why should we celebrate”, and to those of you who would say that I have only but this to say. You call yourself a Cyan fan and you have to ask that stupid question?

Making sure Cyan has enough pizza isn’t the only thing we should be worrying about. We should also be worrying about what names we’ll be using when the time comes, what our KI numbers will be, and if anyone can come up with other things for me to worry about let me know. I’m making a list and checking it twice.

>Say goodbye to OOC


IC is an important part of our online way of life. It’s important to be as IC as possible to one another. The Guild Of Imaginists is a good step in the right direction. But I feel we could do more to make a big change in our community. We need to eliminate OOC completely, for example look at the MOUL forum:

See what I saw? A Technical Discussion, for a GAME!!!! And what else??? A place to talk about spoilers tips and hints oh my! Community there are no hints, tips and spoilers on how to play real life. Why should there be any for Uru?

I also think that there should be some heavier moderation of the suggestions area. For example limit it’s access to it’s best fans in Uru. GOG, UO, Great Tree, etc. Because this community needs more ideas from people like them.