The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Irritating the Thalmor

Highlight from a Skyrim Stream from an eternity ago. I’ve also been going over the remaining terabyte of it, and the next Skyrim video will have an animated ending! I’m already setting the stage!

Fortunately this ending won’t take nearly as long as Airheads in Space did, there’s only about 33 seconds of audio for me to play with. Everything is pretty much placed and ready to go for tomorrow. It’ll be nice to work on something a little more down to earth, or nirn in this case.

Skipping Through The Spikes

For my weekend of decompression I had a nice Mediterranean omelette, blueberry tea and snacks throughout the day, and decided to return to Neon White. It’s been a few months, but I’ve moved to the third chapter, and went back and collected gifts and ace medals. Gained a couple of achievements along the way, learned a new card trick, etc.

I’ve played multiple genres over the years, but have never quite played anything like Neon White. I’m really savoring each session.

Little Kitty, Big City Demo: First Impressions

Apple Hat Kitty

Little Kitty, Big City is like a mix of Stray meets Untitled Goose Game. You play as a cat… but instead of it being a dramatic story about being a cat in a dystopian world trying to find your way to the outside world, you’re just a cat trying to get back to your apartment and finding shenanigans along the way.

Cat enjoying a good nap.
Enjoying a good nap

The game opens to our cat based protagonist having a small nap in their window spot. You wake up and inevitably fall to your doom, and end up landing in a trashcan. That’s when the cat adventures truly begin.

Despite being a cat you have a kitty themed to-do list. You’re too hungry to climb back up to your home, but a friendly crow made you an offer of one fish for 25 shinies or “shiny garbage” that the crow has offered to recycle… probably.


In this universe there are humans you can rub up against, or trip and steal their swag at the speed of cat. Last night I stole someone’s cell phone, and today I used bread to attract birbs. Not to eat them, but for the currency of one feather each. Some animals will accept feathers and will give you something in return.

There’s a good chance that I’ll probably buy this on day one, or even pre-order it if the devs can deliver unto me a sacred watermelon hat to find in the game. 😛 The demo was a lot of fun to play, and I’ve already wishlisted the ever loving shit out of it. I’m looking forward to seeing how this comes along!

Getting Ideas Again

Went over some more Skyrim footage tonight, with pleasing results. I’m not sure what I’ll do with it, but I’m getting some good ideas that I can sleep on! There’s a good chance there might even be a little bit of animation mixed in somewhere… 😛 We did some fun improv during the livestream for that one, and it could be fun bringing it to life as its own homegrown cutscene.

I wonder how many months THIS one will take to finish…

Science, Time Travel, and Cats

It’s been mostly work and hardly any play these last couple of days. So I took a break tonight and played a couple of games! Steam Next Fest is currently going again, and I’ve seen some of my Steam friends playing “Little Kitty, Big City” and I figured why not give it a go? It’s similar to Stray, in the sense that you wander around as a cat. But the aesthetics are more cartoony, and you can interact with humans and have conversations with other animals. Looks like we’ll have another cat game to look forward to next year!

I also had a small itch to return to Portal Reloaded, if only to solve one test chamber. It took me awhile to think about it, but I did manage to make it past the 2nd laser puzzle. Next time I play the game I’ll have to see what Test Chamber 15 has in store for me. I want to finish it one of these days to try out the torturous co-op option! 😛

Evening Open Thread

Not much to write. Had a long day, enjoyed some cherry blossom tea after a long shower to wash away the work. I took another trip down memory lane, transformed two hours of footage into a small Skyrim short that will randomly appear sometime in the not too distant future. It’s nice to be able to fit all of my Skyrim footage onto one hard drive, and even better to shed 36 gigs of it tomorrow! That’ll get me closer to just a terabyte of Skyrim footage. 😛

Good Vibe Gaming

Decided to plink away at getting all the special diamonds scattered throughout each level in Sayonara Wild Hearts. It’s one of those things that adds to the replay value, that and the vibin’ beat. I was also vibin’ to Freedom Planet 2 during lunch today. Ever since Saturday all the games I’ve picked to get myself lost in have all had excellent soundtracks, and three out of four of them are indie! 😛

We’ve Destroyed Machines Beyond Counting

It’s been awhile since I’ve played NieR Automata. I took a break during my 9S playthrough to play through Replicant when it came out. I’m glad I did, while not a requirement to it does make it easier to spot references in the overall story. Now might be a good time for me to get back into it; the modding community has been adding some fun stuff:

I visited the nexus and found quite a few things that I’ll have to add once I (someday) finish my first playthrough! They’ve added a couple new areas, a bunch of model replacements for weapons, outfits and models. With the right amount of mods I might consider doing a livestream with it! But for now it was fun to hack n slash tonight, and since I’m currently playing as 9S it’s more like hack n slash, and just hacking… I don’t mind playing as 9S, but the hacking games get really repetitive really quickly.