Ruining It For Everyone Else Since 2004
Revisiting Darksiders after the patch

Revisiting Darksiders after the patch


The other day I wrote about my experience with the Darksiders Remaster, and at the time I wasn’t impressed with the framerate and the audio latency. I’m proud to say that performance has increased substantially. I haven’t dipped under 100 once! Plus the cutscene audio syncing is fixed as well. The developers were quite speedy in addressing and fixing the issue. I wish more devs would do this with their games instead of going the ‘we’ll see’ route, or giving up entirely on one side, or in some cases both. With a bunch of disappointing releases from either indie to AAA title it’s been rather depressing. I really miss the days when games were GPU agnostic, as long as you had a proper GPU from any company you were fine.

There really isn’t much else to say about the game. I didn’t play much of the original, I just know from what little I’ve played of the first one and what I’ve played of the second one thus far, the graphics are a nice improvement. I do like the general feel of the gameplay, might have to install it on my laptop for lunch time. Perhaps do a lunch vlog of it at some point too. It could alleviate copious amounts of stress. 😛