Steam Deck Sunday: Legend of Kay Anniversary

Once upon a time, I started a game called Legend of Kay Anniversary – and like many other games before and after it, I never got around to finishing it. Today was the day that changed, and it was all thanks to some hot weather and a Steam Deck. It isn’t Verified for the Steam Deck, in fact at the time of writing this it is currently listed as unsupported. But I can confirm that it runs like native via Proton, and it was playable on battery for about 4 hours. It’s perfect on the SD Card!

Legend of Kay Anniversary is a remaster of an old Playstation 2 game about a young cat boy named Kay, who lives in a village that is slowly being taken over by Rats and Gorillas. If you ever go to play this, – you have to keep in mind that this is a game from 2005. It’s the combat is going to be clunky, and the voice acting has no qualms about going from corny to terrible. Once you get past that, it actually has a nice charm to it.

I’m three chapters in so far, and gained several achievements by the time evening fell. So far I’m satisfied with my progress. I’m sure I’ll be back to helping some Wabbits next time I pop in to play!