What I had for lunch today: Abyss Odyssey with a side of AaAaAA!!!!

I’m going to try something new and talk about games that I play during my lunch breaks at work. On long days I always bring my gaming laptop along to kill my hour lunch. Usually with swords or guns of some kind. 😛


Today I played a hack n slash platformer called Abyss Odyssey. It’s an indie title by ACE Team, the creators of the Zeno Clash games.

It’s a very beautiful game. The music and scenery are calming while you wander around in the abyss. Which is like a giant labyrinth of death with the occasional wise skeleton who imparts his wisdom on you if you pay him 100 gold. 😛

The goal of the game is to get to the bottom of the abyss to kill the sleeping warlock. His dreams become living things, and you are one of the products of his imagination! That would be like if my dreams became reality while I was sleeping… we would all be sooooooo screwed.

Then when I got tired of that I still had a few minutes to kill before heading back. So I started up one of my latest favorite wastes of time:


Made by Dejobaan Games, the same company who made Drunken Robot Pornography, AaAaAA!!! – A Reckless Disregard for Gravity is what I would call a falling simulator. You collect hugs and kisses, points (which are called teeth) by crashing into certain things and surviving your falls etc etc. It’s a very twisted game. When you don’t feel like falling you can even unlock different forms of meditation among other things…

Regular meditation:

Not so regular meditation:

So, in retrospect I guess I can say that I had a very indie lunch today. 😛 Oh, also I ate actual food. Can’t game on an empty stomach…

Adding this to my list of things to mod in MGS5.

I’ve promised myself that I wouldn’t mod the new Metal Gear until I finish at least the first run through. But I’m definitely adding this to my list of things that need to be done when I finish.

From what I’ve been reading it’s surprisingly moddable. You can change the weather and, as you can see swap out the models. Like replacing Snake with Kojima.


Metal Gear titles for the PC should have been continued looooooong after MGS2.

The game I never knew I had.

Once upon a time when I was a kid I gamed on three platforms. A PC, a Playstation (the original one) and a Gameboy Advance (also an original one). My favorites to play on Playstation were the Tomb Raider 1 and Chronicles (which I also played on PC because being able to save ANYWHERE was a bonus), Crash Bandicoot 2, Twisted Metal 2, the PacMan collection which I also remember playing on an old Atari 2600 (god I feel old) and of course the old Pizza Hut demo CD’s which contained popular games like Tomb Raider 3, Spyro, Metal Gear Solid and some others. I played the hell out of Spyro and the Metal Gear Solid demos. I played those a lot because I could never find the full games at stores.

Recently my nostalgiameter has been going off between playing old DOS games and discovering a GameBoy emulator. So I figured why not try emulating some of my old Playstation games too? That could be fun. So I walked out into the living room and headed over to the small wall of Playstation discs and saw one game that not only stood out, but also made my jaw drop.


I carried it back into my room and announced over mumble to one of my friends what I had found. The greatest hits CD’s for Metal Gear Solid. Instead of playing that version I decided to hunt down the PC version I heard so much about. Because hey, it exists so why not use it? I tracked it down along with MGS2 Substance, set my Logitech controller up and played some of MGS1 and the VR missions. I was in Nirvana.

Between finding the CD’s for it though and playing the game I kicked myself the entire time. I have no idea when this game turned up. Had I have known that I had it back in the day I would have definitely played it. As I stated I was hooked on the demo. Even now I’m still trying to figure out where the hell these even came from.

Duke Nukem Forever was so horrible that Duke 3D got a multiplayer update

Oh well. I’m sure it’ll make some people happy. I may even give it a shot at some point. But yes, Duke Nukem 3D Megatron Edition got an update on Steam yesterday that allows people to play multiplayer together.

Again, not a bad thing. But methinks 3D Realms reeeealy seems to be scraping the bottom of the barrel.

An unfair comparison

So, people have been talking about the new Tomb Raider Definitive Edition and how big of a graphical improvement it is over the original.

Kotaku is making a comparison of Definitive Edition to PC’s that can play last years released version on full.

At first I thought Definitive was the PC version being ported over to console and to a point it is. TressFX finally made it over to the consoles which was the big separator between the PC and console versions a year ago (other than maybe a few other graphical enhancements such as shaders). It still held back some graphical progress on PC since in the end as beautiful as it was it was still a console port.

The XBone and PS4 run on updated hardware, so it only makes sense to improve game the game quality as shown in the video above. This will also mean that the PC master race will not be held back by consoles for quite some time. 😛

The Steam For Schools Beta Program

GLaDOS wants your children… That’s right. Valve has invited educators to participate in what they are calling the “Steam For Schools” beta program. Featuring a special edition of steam with only Portal 2 and it’s new puzzle maker. The goal is to use Portal 2’s mechanics to teach kids basic physics and to think. Because we don’t need anymore stupid people…

Taken from their FAQ

The interaction tends to be free-form and experimental and as students encounter new tools and challenges they may develop an intuitive understanding of physical principles such as mass and weight, acceleration, momentum, gravity, and energy. The games also put a premium on critical thinking, spatial reasoning, problem solving, iteration and collaboration skills, and encourage overall inquiry into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) learning.

Current lesson plans include: “Introduction to Parabolas with the Puzzle Maker,” “Spatial Visualization and Perspectives,” and “Building a Simple Harmonic Oscillator.” Where was this when I was growing up? Kids these days…

Also, you can’t do that on XBox!