SFM Diary: You Had Me At Emeralds
I spent the later part of my evening working on animating a couple goofy evil men sharing a couple drinks at The Inventory. I like …
I spent the later part of my evening working on animating a couple goofy evil men sharing a couple drinks at The Inventory. I like …
It was a calm day, got off work early, had some granola for breakfast, tidied up a tiny bit, was disappointed by missing packages I’m …
First SFM status of the new year! Spent the evening animating this microscene, and brainstorming a little for another one. Still a ways to go …
I’ve been enjoying the calm that comes with the end of a holiday season. Little to no Karens to endure, less holiday stress, other than …
As much as I don’t want to do this, I’ll be withdrawing my polling idea for the end of the year. While scouting out how …
I did quite a bit today… Made a breakfast shake, baked muffins, animated more of the current nightmare fuel project, and even found a proper …
In between the food bloggenings I’ve been hard at work creating strange fever dreams in Source Filmmaker. I’ve actually posted a few WIP’s in my …
All posed and ready for animation! I did a little work on the mouth tonight, will probably do more after work tonight. I’m on my …
It’s still in the WIP stage, but after some scouting around between different maps and whole models of buildings I think I’ve found a proper …
This is going to take a little time to animate, it’s one of the bigger scenes in the next video. I’m not entirely sure how …