Your votes make a difference! Here are the results.
[democracy id=”2″] Thank you all for participating! Our winner appears to be Skyrim, with Broforce at a close 2nd and Crash Bandicoot in 3rd somehow. …
[democracy id=”2″] Thank you all for participating! Our winner appears to be Skyrim, with Broforce at a close 2nd and Crash Bandicoot in 3rd somehow. …
I have two more SFM renders to do and I’ll be finished with all animations for Part 2. Then comes rendering the image sequences and …
I had a late sleep in for the first time in what feels like an eternity. It stormed a bit today, which for me is …
My choice of fire particles doesn’t seem to want to render properly under Proton, which means I’ll have to do my final render under Windows, …
The laptop was a no show. I ended up occupying my time in SFM after all, mainly smoothing out animations on a particular character. Unfortunately …
I made quite a bit more progress through Okami once more, didn’t get too far area wise though. Whenever I gain new abilities I try …
I accomplished quite a bit today! I got a good chunk of animation done (if you can call what’s happening in this scene animation, but …
I’ve been having fun learning how to animate blankets on a bed, they actually move easily once you get used to maneuvering them. I mostly …
Got another scene primed and ready to go for tomorrow! Didn’t have time to work on much else, and I had a fixed computer to …