Whisker Tango Boxtrot

It’s been awhile since I’ve checked in with Whisker Squadron Survivor, they’ve changed quite a bit since I’ve last flown. They added some more power-ups, tweaked the level design and added some new character art (for Gigi at least). I wasn’t successful in tonight’s run, but I made it to the 2nd tier of the campaign before getting annihilated by an elite swarm.

Flying Air Overlord

Made two perfect runs tonight in Whisker Squadron Survivor! Even with the cursed choices I had to select during the run I still managed to make it through every zone, twice! Maybe one of these nights I’ll Twitch stream it! I was looking at additional Twitch plugins and I see that it has one for Whisker Squadron Survivor that allows the audience to choose my fate, when prompted of course.

I didn’t have time to do anything adventurous gaming tonight, been continuing my spring cleaning session. This time I cleared the upper part of my desk. I’ll probably clean the rest of the desk tomorrow, it has a lot of surface area to clean. That and reorganizing… I was looking at the collection of software I’ve accumulated over the years, and some of it I see no reason in keeping anymore. Programs like Adobe and older stuff that I have no reason to use anymore, thanks to better and more modern Open Source alternatives. Those will have to wait for another day, much like what remains on what feels like an infinite to-do list. At least I’m never bored tho. 😛

Chill Weekend Open Thread

Kicking the weekend off proper with more BG3. Finally killed the Forge Boss, and officially made a new friend at our camp!

It wasn’t entirely an evening for BG3. I made time for Whisker Squadron Survivor, haven’t checked on it in ages and they’ve made a LOT of changes since my last visit. They added a boss battle in Zone 5 on any map, unavoidable cursed choices and challenges. I’ve already completed all the easy ones, one hard, and I think one medium… Oddly enough the medium challenges are harder than the one hard challenge I unlocked.

Option Of The Double Edged Sword

They recently added the option of cursed choices in Whisker Squadron Survivor that act as both help and a hindrance. It can make the game even more chaotic and interesting. So far I’ve only experimented with one, it kept presenting me with good regular options that were too good to pass up. I did three runs, survived one. I wonder how much will change the next time I play?

My Kingdom For a Good Night’s Sleep

My day got shot to hell because I didn’t get any sleep last night. I tried everything to get comfortable, but between eating something that didn’t agree with me and general discomfort I had to go to work on 0 hours of sleep. I did manage to catch a small nap when I got home at least, but I can still feel the jet lag. Hopefully tonight I have better luck, literally everything I tried last night didn’t do me any favors.

I did take a moment to check out a new level that was released for Whisker Squadron Survivor! It was an excellent flight, even won on the first try! Not the game I was planning to play, but it did provide with me the right amount of time to relax and unwind before having to try and do the bed thing again. :v

Here’s hoping for a more successful evening, and food that won’t threaten to commit crimes against my stomach while I sleep in bed. Maybe then I’ll have some energy tomorrow to NOT take a nap and actually do shit.

Flying Deep Into The Purple

I came sooooo close to conquering all 10 zones tonight! Oh well… on the bright side this is the furthest I’ve made it so far. Give it a few hundred more deaths and I’ll get it! Tonight’s run had all the fixin’s; chain lightning deaths, siphoning energy from destroyed enemy ships, such upgrades, much enemy destruction!

See you, Space Cats.


Wow, it’s Wednesday and I somehow managed to make a short video AND play three different games… and they’re all indie! Started out with Outland during my morning lunch break, then played a round of Hades and then finished off in Whisker Squadron Survivor. What can I say? I’m versatile. 😛

After murdering a green cube with my laz0rz I think I found The Matrix for mechanical insects. So far this has been one of the harder alternative routes to take. I still haven’t beat a run – I clearly need more practice!

This time when I re-entered the House of Hades, my faithful Doggo Cerberus was nowhere to be found. There were also a few other characters missing, and Meg was getting “Promoted” by Big Hades himself. I get the feeling I’ll find out why on my next playthrough! 😛

My Monday Indie Assortment

Whisker Squadron Survivor finally released today! They made the rides longer, and they definitely made the game even harder since the demo. It did take my stats from my demo playthrough and added them onto my character as an added bonus. I haven’t made it to the end of the newer runs yet, but I am looking forward to practicing in my spare time. 🙂 Maybe even live if I’m up to it!

I picked it up in small rail shooter pack that included it and another game called Ex-Zodiac, I’ve only finished the first level so far, but I like it! It brought back memories of playing Star Fox while visiting at some relatives as a kid. I never had a SNES so I couldn’t get into the series – at least we have some indies that can help scratch that itch! If Nintendo doesn’t want my money I’ll give it to the indies, plain and simple. This and Whisker Squadron Survivor were great to play when I needed to take a break from dying constantly in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night!

I didn’t get very far, but I did level up my character, obtained a few permanent health items and even got a couple achievements to add to the collection. Apart from that though I need to git gud at slaying Zangetsu again, and this guy…

The Carpenter clearly is some kind of demon based on his beautiful purple blood. So far my many attempts have yet to stagger him in battle, which tells me it’s time to take a break. Between last night and today I got a little over 1% more completed, and I’m sure I’ll return this again soon – at least within a years time! 😛