Today’s Adventures in Breaking My Computer

Today’s Adventures in Breaking My Computer

I played around with Linux today with not much luck. I have a few other things I’d like to try (such as the Manjaro Architect Setup), but decided to study up on Natron a bit for a future project. Unfortunately it doesn’t quite have the effect I’m looking for, so an install of After Effects CS6 is inevitable, and in a way it kinda makes sense using it alongside SFM given they’re both ancient programs at this point. 😛 I was going to experiment in a bit tomorrow to remind myself how to use it, it’s been awhile. 😛 I was also going to upload my new YouTube banner, but found that YouTube is kind of a bag of dicks at properly applying it even when I follow the specified resolution recommendations, meaning it has been shelved until I’m less pissed off to work on it again.

I’ve also been doing some research on tablet PC’s. I’m revisiting the idea of buying a tablet to put Linux on it, and my desire is increasing with every annoying update on my Fire HD8. So far the most popular tablets for Linux are oddly Microsoft Surfaces, and if I were to consider that route I’d have to go with a Pro series; Fuck the Surface RT.

I ended the evening with a little bit of MGSV:TPP. Trying to do the Over The Fence mission, and I keep having to restart from a checkpoint after getting caught. I completed that mission before on an old save, but it’s looking like my head is a little rusty from my previous adventures.